Money Saving Mexico is a downloadable you can get the information now.
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Baby Boomers are at the age of retirment or close to it...and we all need to think about how we will live out our golden years in style. Or at least in comfort and afford to do some of the fun things we dreamed about while working at a J.O.B.
-Can you purchase a home in Mexico?
-Can American Citizens work in Mexico?
-Living in Mazatlan with the other "Gringos"
-Getting Married in Mexico.
-Is Mexico Safe?
-Immigration Fees.
-Building a home in Mexico... what does that intail?
These are just a tiny sample of the topics covered in the book.
Some baby boomers will choose to live in the United States very near the border.
Thousands of retired folks cross the border every day to take advantage of the prices.
In Mexico... Dentists are trained at the University. You can get dental work done for a fraction of the cost in the U.S.
In Mexico... Perscription glasses are made in one hour. They are trained as well or better than the one hour places in the states and they have the same selection. Even with a coupon...the Mexico Optical will be about half the price.
In Mexico... Medications are usually less that in the U.S. Sometimes much less.
Algadones Sonora Mexico (near Yuma Arizona) is where we shop. Our once a month treck always includes perscription mediations and shopping for cute Hacienda Style decor. We hit the dentist every 6 months for a cleaning and get out glasses once a year.
If you live in the desert Southwest United States this infomation won't be new to you. But...if you need to have all the information for traveling or moving to Mexico, Barbie Parks is your gal.
Her books are informative, personal and she has a great monthly newsletter with photographs and stories about other American's Living in Mexico.
Hey...It's Free to look, so Click Here!